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 Carbohydrates are a crucial macronutrient that serves as a primary source of energy for the body. Here are some key points about carbohydrates: 1. **Types of Carbohydrates:**    - Simple Carbohydrates: Sugars found in fruits, vegetables, and sweets.    - Complex Carbohydrates: Starches and fibers present in grains, legumes, and vegetables. 2. **Functions:**    - **Energy Source:** Carbs are the body's preferred energy source, especially for the brain and muscles.    - **Stored Energy:** Excess carbohydrates are stored in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles. 3. **Food Sources:**    - **Good Sources:** Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes.    - **Limited Intake:** Limit added sugars found in sweets, sugary beverages, and processed foods. 4. **Fiber:**    - A type of carbohydrate that is not fully digested by the body.    - Found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.    - Supports digestive health and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. 5. **Recommend

Lose Weight At Lightning Speed?? Just Do This

Want To Lose Weight At Lightning Speed?? Just Do This
                  The number of  fat people worldwide is  adding  day by day. fat people  frequently wonder what to do to lose weight.   Losing weight isn't  delicate if you  suppose you can lose weight. Diet and proper exercise can help you lose weight. 
Why does the body gain weight?   

Calories are the energy that our body gets from the protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and fiber in the food we eat every day. Our body needs to use the calories it gets.   still, the food we eat won't be burned as calories but will remain in the body and turn into fat, If there's no physical  exertion and exercise. This increases body weight.  

 What to do to lose weight?  
 A healthy man needs 2500 calories per day and a healthy woman needs 2000 calories per day.   still, these calories should be reduced, If you want to lose weight. Women and men should cut 500 calories a day to lose weight.   2000- 500 =  1500). still, you'll lose a kilo in two weeks, If you cut 500 calories a day. 

  How to cut 500 calories a day?  
still, you'll lose a kilo in two weeks, If you reduce your diet by 500 calories every day. Walking for an hour every day will reduce 500 calories.   In two weeks your weight will be reduced by one kg. If you combine these two( diet walking) you'll lose two kilos in two weeks. Two kilos in two weeks means you can lose four kilos in one month.   

Foods that help you lose weight?   

It's important to eat fiber rich foods to lose weight. Fiber-rich foods reduce appetite and reduce food  jones
            , so you eat smaller calories and lose weight, and fiber helps  help  redundant body fat.   Keep only rice on your plate and add  further vegetables. Make sure you have some flora in your lunch every day.   Eat fruits like apples, oranges and figs which are high in fiber. These will help you lose weight.   Fish contains Omega 3. So you can add fish to your diet.   rather of rice, include foods made with small grains like kelp, gram, and  sludge in your diet.   It's good to drink a lot of water every day as it flushes out  poisons from the body. Drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach can help you lose weight 
 Foods to avoid to lose weight?   
You need to avoid certain foods to lose weight. It's better to reduce foods that are high in carbohydrates like rice. Avoid eating potato chips, chocolate, burgers, ice cream and any food fried in  oil painting. These are high in fat and calories and will make you gain weight.   It's better to avoid high fat milk. You can drink fat-free milk  rather. Avoid high calorie foods like biryani. Fast food should be  fully avoided. Ice cream contains high  quantum of fat and sugar which increases body weight and should be avoided.   Exercise   Exercise is just as important to weight loss as diet is to  freight loss. Fats in the body must be dissolved if the body wants to lose weight. Exercise is essential for that.   diurnal exercise reduces bad cholesterol( LDL cholesterol) and increases good cholesterol( HDL cholesterol) in the body. This can  help heart  conditions.   Walking can help you lose weight and  help high blood pressure, diabetes and heart  complaint.   Walk for 30  twinkles daily to lose weight. Thirty  twinkles of cycling daily( at the  spa or outside) will burn 500 calories in half an hour.( Some rest between exercises is necessary) Do this thirty  nanosecond exercise for two weeks.


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